Thursday, February 2, 2017

Fabulous February

I've seen a lot of people retweeting on Twitter saying, "January was just a trial month... 2017 really starts February 1st." Well this isn't true for me.

Like I said in one of my earlier blogs, it's been hard losing weight. I was stuck at a plateau for MONTHS. I finally reached my first, tiny goal last month and lost 7 pounds- I finally got under 170 pounds! This was extremely exciting for me and made me want to make the month of February fabulous!

This month will be a little tricky though, considering that it's Valentine's Day and my birthday month. Although, I'm not letting those two little holidays stop me. Of course I'm going to treat myself on those days but I'm going to try to do it the best and healthiest way possible.

So with that, here are a few of my favorite healthy sweet treats (considering I have the worst sweet tooth ever).
  • Chocolate Covered Strawberries (just, yes).
  • Peanut Butter with Bananas
  • New York Peppermint Patties
  • Chocolate Milk
  • Whole Grain Toast with Strawberry Jelly (my Mema's homemade is the best).
  • Chocolate Covered Pretzels 
  • Frozen Yogurt (with healthy toppings, sometimes I put cookie dough though- not sorry).
Wish me luck this month, seriously.

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