One day, a hare was bragging about how fast he could run. He bragged and bragged, and laughed at how slow the tortoise was. The tortoise stuck out his long neck and challenged the hare to a race. The hare laughed and laughed some more, and agreed to the challenge- knowing surely he would win.
They made a map of the race, and then began. The hare took off and left the tortoise far behind. About halfway through the race, the hare noticed that he had plenty of time and decided to play in the meadow. When he was done, he decided to take a nap.

In the meantime, the tortoise was still slowly going and never stopped. Once the hare finally woke up from his nap, he decided it may be time to get going again. He ran faster than he did in the beginning. As he approached the finish line, he saw the tortoise sitting there patiently waiting his arrival.
If you haven't heard the story- which I'm sure most of you have- you know the moral of the story:
Slow and steady wins the race.
Losing weight is a long journey and doesn't just happen overnight. If you want something, you have to work hard for it and never give up. Failure is not an option in my book, and never has been. Trust me- eating healthy and working out is NOT easy, and isn't something I desired to do in the beginning. Although, I knew it was something that needed to happen for my health in the long run.
I weigh myself every Monday to keep myself motivated and see my progress from the past week. Lately, I've been the same weight the past two weeks and it has made me disappointed, and sometimes angry. But, it has made me to want to work even harder than I have been.
Every time I get discouraged, I remember my dad telling me this story and remind myself to keep going- don't stop. Strive for
progress, not